Establishment service
Rana Utvikling offers free consultations as a part of our establishment service. We also offer businesses services that aids growth and development for businesses in the region.
Supported by: Troms- and Finnmark County through Arctic 2030.
Project owner/manager: Rana Utvikling
Partners: Mo Industrial park, Rana municipality og Meyership
Research provider: SINTEF Helgeland, SINTEF Digital og SINTEF Community
Project period: fall 2023 / spring 2024
Several citites in the Arctic faces major growth opportunities, as hosts for larger green industrial establishments. For Mo i Rana’s part, the establishment of a new large airport will also mean more traffic and more visitors. This is a golden opportunity to reverse the negative population growth, and at the same time help make northern areas a center for green transition (cf. the government’s northern area strategy).
With this also comes a significant increase in both passenger traffic and industrial logistics. Mo i Rana is a traffic hub for people and goods, both locally and regionally. With a strategic location at the meeting point for the European roads E6 and E12, and with a railway and main network port, Mo i Rana is a transport centre. This makes the city important for traffic distribution in the region.
Growth and mobility are of course desirable, but with an increasing volume of mobility also comes pressure on street and road infrastructure, more noise and dangerous traffic situations. Which in turn creates an increased need for better transport solutions. Especially in industrially heavy cities, such as Mo i Rana, there is therefore a need for business, the municipality and government agencies to have a common understanding of challenges and agree on measueres.
So how can one find the right measures that facilitate growth and at the same time prevent potential congestion in the transport system? This is in light of the fact that the transport system of the future must be sustainable, area-efficient and focused on zero-emission solutions, while at the same time ensuring good logistics flow so that business sector harmonize with passenger traffic.
This prelimiary project aims to develop strategic planning tools to give us knowledge on how a municipality in the Arctic may handle different growth scenarios. This application has identified three different cases in Mo i Rana, that we aim to pilot this tool through simulation and modules:
This is about planning complex systems with humans and technology, based on local conditions, actors and need.
With use of strategic planning tools on area and traffic planning, based on SINTEF’s tools SIMADES and ENERGY MODULE we will be able to higlight differint challenges, possibilities and needs realted to the three cases.
Rana Utvikling offers free consultations as a part of our establishment service. We also offer businesses services that aids growth and development for businesses in the region.