Establishment service
Start your joruney here!
Establishment service
-wish to start a business for yourself? We provide competence and guidance for you that want to start a business in the Rana region
If you have a dream to start something for yourself, this is where that journey starts!
We aim to nurture the developement of profitable business and workplaces in the region. Establishment service provides guidance and an establishment course. Through our services we invite you for a cup of coffee where we set a plan to make your idea come true!
Establishment service is free for all kind of businesses with both a local and international market.

Start your journey with signing up for the establishment course!
Digitale courses fall 2024:

Ecosystem for establishers in Rana
Inkubator – Service for Scale up Businesses
Katapult Node – Service for you that want to test your product in the industry
Innovation Norway – Support
Helgeland Invest – Investment company for established businesses
Office community at Væxt
Banks: Sparebank 1 Helgeland, DNB, Handelsbanken
We assist you with
- Establishing the company
- Guidance
- Mentor and board member
Establishment course
- Market analysis
- Business idea and business model
- Economy
- Budget
- Sales and marketing